Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Case Study No. 0269: The Little Librarian

The Little Librarian
This is a great kit for imaginative, creative play. The Little Librarian made for hours of pretend play fun. It's great for one or several children 4+. Any kid who likes to play school, will LOVE this kit. It's made in the USA and it's fully recyclable.
Tags: Creative Toyshop creative play pretend play gift birthday gift gift for children eco-friendly recyclable made in the USA educational toy educational game
Added: 1 month ago
From: CreativeToyshop
Views: 86

The Little Librarian
Be a REAL Librarian!
Imaginative and creative play

Little Librarian
Be a real librarian.
Just add books!
Let's play library!
Encourages Reading!

["Prepping the library ... " appears on screen, as a little girl is organizing books in her room]
WOMAN: [from off camera] Is this your library?
LITTLE GIRL: Yes it is!
WOMAN: [from off camera] Okay.
LITTLE GIRL: But the library is closed right now, so I'm just setting up the books.
[cut to the little girl putting some magazines against the wall]
WOMAN: [from off camera] Oh, with some magazines too. That's a good idea.
LITTLE GIRL: Well, you can find these ...
WOMAN: [from off camera] Oh, okay ...
["The Little Librarian comes with a lot of stuff ..." appears on screen, then cut to a little boy looking through the book pockets]
WOMAN: [from off camera] What's in there?
LITTLE BOY: Nothing, these are just book pockets. See, you put the ... take these off and stick them to the back of books.
WOMAN: [from off camera] What else is in there?
[the boy takes out some more paper]
LITTLE BOY: Reading awards ...
WOMAN: [from off camera] Oh cool.
["And your very own library card ... " appears on screen]
WOMAN: [from off camera] Did you make your own library card yet?
LITTLE BOY: Right here.
[he picks up the card, then drops it]
WOMAN: [from off camera] Oops.
[he picks it up and shows it to the camera]
WOMAN: [from off camera] Mm hmm. Oh cool.
[cut to the boy showing more papers]
LITTLE BOY: Bookmarks ...
WOMAN: [from off camera] Mm hmm.
LITTLE BOY: Overdue slips.
WOMAN: [from off camera] Hmm, we need those.
WOMAN: [from off camera] Yeah ... [laughs]
LITTLE BOY: And book cards. That's what you put in the back of the book pockets.
WOMAN: [from off camera] Okay.
["A reading journal and much, much more" appears on screen]
LITTLE BOY: Reading journal ... You can record what you read.
WOMAN: [from off camera] Oh, okay.
[cut to the little girl in her room]
LITTLE GIRL: I think it's time for my customers today ...
WOMAN: [from off camera] Are you putting book pockets in the books?
LITTLE GIRL: Mm hmm, the new ones ...
["The library is now open and the librarian is at work ... " appears on screen, as the little girl sits at her "desk" while the little boy enters]
["This kit is made in the USA!" appears on screen]
LITTLE GIRL: Looking for some good books?
LITTLE BOY: Mm hmm ...
["Hours of imaginative play. And peaceful ... no fights, no bickering" appears on screen, then cut to the little girl taking out some book cards]
["A new customer comes in ... " appears on screen, then cut to the woman (walking on her knees) entering the "library"]
WOMAN: Hi, Misses Librarian! How are you?
LITTLE GIRL: Good, how are you?
WOMAN: Here's my library card. I'm looking for some books for my daughter.
[she puts the card on her "desk"]
WOMAN: And she is, like, seven years old. So, what do you recommend?
LITTLE GIRL: I know exactly the book she needs!
[she gets up and points to her book display]
LITTLE GIRL: This is a very good book that children like ...
WOMAN: Mm hmm. Could you show me that one?
LITTLE GIRL: This could be for, like, eight to ten, maybe.
WOMAN: Mm hmm.
[she takes the book and hands it to the woman]
LITTLE GIRL: But this one is, like ...
WOMAN: That's really good?
WOMAN: Okay.
[cut to the little girl writing on the book card]
LITTLE GIRL: Um, date due ...
WOMAN: That is today, right?
[she erases, then starts writing again]
LITTLE GIRL: Okay, it's gonna be ...
WOMAN: Oh, in December? Okay.
LITTLE GIRL: Do you want it then?
WOMAN: Yeah, and I can come back ...
[the little girl puts it in the book pocket]
LITTLE GIRL: Okay, do you need any other ones?
WOMAN: No, I think I'm okay for now, thank you.
WOMAN: Do you need to scan this or something?
[the woman picks up her library card]
WOMAN: Use my card ... Well, actually it's my son's card, but he let me use it today.
WOMAN: Did I tell you that I think you're the most beautiful librarian I've ever seen? That hair is to die for!
LITTLE GIRL: Oh thank you ...
[she "scans" the card]
[she plays with her ponytail]
LITTLE GIRL: I know, everyone wants this hair!
WOMAN: [laughs]
[she "scans" the date due card]
WOMAN: Great, it's all scanned?
[the girl hands her the book]
WOMAN: Thank you so much! See you in December!
LITTLE GIRL: [smiles] Bring it on December 1st!
WOMAN: Okay, bye!
[the girl suddenly holds out the library card]
LITTLE GIRL: Oh, here's you card!
[the woman (standing up) reaches out and takes it]
WOMAN: Oh, my card, I always forget my card ...

The Little Librarian
starring as "best gift ever"

Creative, imaginative, educational!

Available at



Little Librarian is the first personal library kit made just for kids! It encourages reading and is powered by creativity and imagination, not batteries!

The Little Librarian kit provides book lovers with everything they need to transform their book collection into a library. Kids can practice the important skills of organizing, sharing, borrowing, and returning. Book pockets, check out cards, library cards, and bookmarks are just like the ones from the real library. Little Librarians will issue overdue notices

Favorite books can be listed in the reading journal and shared with friends. Any kid who likes to play school will love this library kit - and play "library" just as much!

Made in the USA!!
Recommended for children 4 +


* 7 File Folders
* 15 Book Pockets
* 15 Book Cards
* 4 Library Cards
* 4 Reading Awards
* 6 Overdue slips
* 1 Reading Journal

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