Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Case Study No. 0088: Emily, Librarian of the Gods

Let's Play Eric The Unready part 35
In which we look through the Library of the Gods.
Tags: Let's Play Eric The Unready
Added: 1 year ago
From: ltm1988
Views: 42

From tvtropes.org:

An Interactive Fiction game by Steve Meretzky, released by Legend Entertainment in 1993.

As The Klutz knight Sir Eric the Unready, you must embark on a quest to end all quests — save the princess from an evil plot to take over the kingdom! And, of course, earn some respect for yourself, you unlucky buffoon, you.


The entire library in the Agora sequence is full of literary Shout Out material, though the main offender is The Joy Of Hex.


From gamefaqs.com:

In Quest of the Crowbar

Read the paper over the past few days and make a note of the two items about unicorns. Note the sad story in today's paper. Do what the guy in the paper did to annoy the unicorn. On the branch, take the leaf. Go to the temple. Take the robe, wear it and look in its pocket. Ring the fourth bell. Show the paper to the virgin and give her the hanky. Wait. Once outside, put the hanky and leaf in the bowl. Take the chow. Ring the fourth bell again. Once in the room with the virgins, talk to them. Go into the sanctuary and wear the ring. Get in the vat. Wait until a virgin comes in. Uncloak and talk to the virgin. See what eventually happens to her. Cloak. When another virgin enters, give her the book to read. Enter the mouth in her place. Talk to the god working on the hole. Note his problem and the fact that he has a bottle opener. Check out the Goddess of Beauty and visit and talk to the God of the North Wind. Listen carefully to his complaints. Note that it's his birthday. Take the note and deliver it to Morty, by showing it to Clio. Give what he gives you to the repairgod. Get some nectar. Go to the Library and borrow books until you get one about reaching Mount Spa. Take it to the duplicator quickly before your loan expires. SAVE (or be prepared to UNDO). In the lab, work the machine (one of the switches is fatal) until you get a slimewig from it. Take it, go outside and get the message for Morty from the pigeon. Deliver it. When he calls in Clio, go outside and take the woad. Repeat this, and this time take the costume from the case. Read the bulletin board near the vending machine, ring for a cake in Clio's office and wait until it arrives. Take it to the God of the North Wind, and light the candles with the dragon by pulling on its tail. Go back to the pond and get the golden key. Visit the forgetful god and give him the nectar repeatedly. Get the egg. Now follow the ritual described in the book. At the top of the mountain, use the Golden Key.


From tgdb.net:


This room is stacked floor to ceiling with books and scrolls and stone tablets of all shapes and sizes. Behind a small table is Emily, the diminutive Librarian of the Gods.

You greet the librarian, "Hi! I'm new here. Got any good books?"

"BROOKS? Of course we don't have any brooks! This is a library. We don't carry brooks, or streams, or rivulets, or anything like that. For that matter we don't have ponds or lakes either. All that water would spoil the paper. And besides, how could you borrow a brook? You can't pick one up and..."

You break into her tirade. "'Books,' I said. Not brooks. BOOKS!"

She stares at you blankly. "Oh. That's different. Well then. Never mind."

Emily puts a hand on your arm and says, "Wait a minute."

The librarian fusses around for a few moments and then says, "You know, we haven't had a mortal in here in eons. I know we have a few books meant for mortals, but I can't remember what they are. Perhaps I can find that reading list." She rummages in her desk. "Ah! Here it is." She blows the dust off of the piece of paper and hands it to you. "You can borrow any book you want, so long as it's on this list. I seem to have lost my glasses, so when you've made up your mind, just tell me the title of the book you want."

[examine list]


[read list]

*** Choose: How to Scale Mount Spa ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Why write a book about a sick horse, is what I'd like to know. And what does the father's horse have to do with it?...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[examine book]

"Ailing Mount's Pa"

The case study of hereditary diseases in thoroughbred horses holds your interest for approximately fifteen seconds.

[read list]

"One book at a time, thank you very much. You still haven't returned the last one."

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: From Here to Eternity ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "From beer to maternity. Now THAT shouldn't surprise anyone. One thing leads to another, I always say...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: Paradise Lost ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Pair of dice lost. Why mortals are so fascinated with gambling is beyond me...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: Stairway to Heaven ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Golf is just the stupidest game ever invented: people chasing a little ball around a field all morning, and then lying about how long it took them...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[examine book]

"Fairway Eleven"

It's a golfer's autobiography that would have been better left unwritten.

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: The One Minute Miracle Worker ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "I knew a fumble-fingers once who worked in a mirror factory. Unluckiest person I ever met...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[examine book]

"The One Minute Mirror Cull Worker"

A fascinating account of a factory worker's attempt to speed up the detection and rejection of inferior products in a mirror factory.

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: East of Eden ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Why are restaurant guides always so popular? Seems to me all the ever talk about is the decor and the location...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[examine book]

"Eats of Eden"

The definitive guide to dining out in the Garden of Paradise. You read for a while and then realize that all the places they're talking about closed down a long time ago.

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: Grapes of Wrath ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Violence, murder, mayhem. Whatever happened to good taste?...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[examine book]

"The Rapes of McGrath"

You read about the heinous crimes of the notorious McGrath for a few moments and then turn away in disgust.

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: For Whom the Bell Tolls ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Now THERE'S a good book. All about the legends of bowling...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[examine book]

"For Whom the Tell Bowls"

A gripping account of professional sponsorship in the world of Bocce. It keeps you on the edge of your figurative seat for the entire twenty seconds it takes to read it.

[give book to Emily]

The librarian takes the book away and puts it back on the shelves.

[read list]

*** Choose: Setting up Sodom/Gomorrah: Priming the fountain ***

You shout your request at the librarian. Emily wanders off, mumbling to herself as she goes. "Why is everyone so all-fired interested in climbing to the top of the mountain. No good can come of it, I say...." After a while she returns and hands you a book. "Remember," she says. "This is a lending library. I expect to see that book back here within ten minutes."

[Your score has just gone up by 5.]

[read book]

"Getting up Spa From Agora: Climbing the Mountain"

The book jacket says that it contains a ritual that will make a golden stairway appear, thereby making it possible to ascend to the very peak of the Mountain of the Gods. Intrigued, you debate with yourself whether to continue reading.

The librarian snarfs the list away from you and says, "Sorry. Library property."


This is a large room filled with robed figures bent over manuscripts that they are painstakingly copying. A thin young god greets you as you enter. There is a sign here.

The attendant laughs. "The Rick-inator, comin' to see Richard."

[give book to richard]

Richard disappears into the back. He returns moments later and hands you a perfect copy, presumably keeping the original somewhere in the back.

[Your score has just gone up by 10.]

Richard scratches his ear and intones, "Rickeee, solvin' the puzzle. Makin' points. Way to go. All ri-i-i-ght."

A voice trails behind you. "The Rickster, leaving Richard behind."


The Lounge of the Gods is a worn-out room that could use a good coat of paint. A broken nectar machine stands in the middle of the room. The company bulletin board adorns the far wall.

[read book]

You flip past the opening pages and get right to the good stuff:


First, prepare thyself by wearing the sacred costume of Og and by smearing thy cheeks with woad, that thou might seemeth pleasing in the eyes of the great god Otis.

Then, whilst holding a copy of this sacred ritual, shalt thou perform these actions in sequence, remembering all the while that a departure from the correct order shall taketh thee back to square one:

Here, then, are the steps of the ritual:

First, whilst in the Agora, stand upon the Holy Egg of Oblivion, so that memories of all gods other than the great god Otis shall be erased from thy mind.

Second, partake of a live slimewig, the animal most sacred to the compassionate god Otis.

Third, turn around, that thou might be seen from all sides by the all-seeing, all-knowing god Otis.

Fourth, turn around again, in case Otis wasn't watching the first time.

Fifth and finally, thou must squawk like a chicken, for this above all others is the noise most pleasing to Otis, the great and powerful."

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